Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Bulb Shutter Setting Photo's

Our first attempts at capturing light movement were void. We learned that we needed to change the focus from automatic to manual and turn off the vibration reduction. We were finally able to capture the light in motion. This photo was taken with an ISO 1600, I held the shutter open for five seconds, and the f-stop was 5.0.

For this photo we attempted to make letters with the light. Most groups needed to right the letters backwards, luckily my initials were mirrored so that did not cause any difficulty in taking the pictures. Also we needed to keep in mind that the letters must be drawn in one line, so for the "A" she needed to backtrack as she drew. For this photo I kept the shutter open for 3.7 seconds, with an ISO of 1600 and an f-stop of 4.0.