Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Bulb Shutter Setting Photo's

Our first attempts at capturing light movement were void. We learned that we needed to change the focus from automatic to manual and turn off the vibration reduction. We were finally able to capture the light in motion. This photo was taken with an ISO 1600, I held the shutter open for five seconds, and the f-stop was 5.0.

For this photo we attempted to make letters with the light. Most groups needed to right the letters backwards, luckily my initials were mirrored so that did not cause any difficulty in taking the pictures. Also we needed to keep in mind that the letters must be drawn in one line, so for the "A" she needed to backtrack as she drew. For this photo I kept the shutter open for 3.7 seconds, with an ISO of 1600 and an f-stop of 4.0.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Manual Setting

This photo was taken with an f-stop of 13.0 and shutter speed of 1/320. On the day this photo was taken, it was dark outside which had a bit of an affect on the brightness of the photos. This particular photo came out pretty clear and the subject was quite visible.

Here the f-stop was 13.0 and the shutter speed was increased to 1/640. The photo came out much darker than the previous one. There was not enough light to support the speed of the shutter. The image is still clear but the subject is much darker.

In this photo the f-stop was 13.0 and the shutter speed was increased to 1/1250. This photo came out extremely dark because of the fast shutter speed and the lack of natural lighting. The photo did not come out "fuzzy" but the photo is much to dark to see clearly.
These three photos were taken with the same shutter speed but different f-stop settings. This particular photo was taken with an f-stop of 5.0 and a shutter speed of 1/320. The small f-stop created a large aperture or opening in the shutter that allowed light into the shutter. This helped to increase the clarity of the photo and it came out quite nicely.

This photo was taken with an f-stop of 9 and a shutter speed of 1/320. The smaller aperture allowed less light into the photo making it darker than the previous photo and less appealing. This photo did not come out as well because it wasn't as bright.

This photo was taken with an f-stop of 16 and a shutter speed of 1/320. This had an even smaller opening for light and the photo was much darker. This photo did not come out well, it was way too dark and not clear.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Motion and Distance

This photo was taken with a shutter speed of 1/1000. Here I tried to capture the flag blowing in the wind. It was a little dark outside but the photo still came out good.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Shutter Speed Priority

This photo was the product of a lot of experimentations. Trying different movements, shutter speeds, and speeds of subject movement, this photo came out the best. This photo was taken with a shutter speed of 8 seconds.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Aperture Priority

This photo was taken with an f-stop 29.0, so there was a small aperture. Oddly the background is more out of focus and the foreground is in great focus. A small aperture usually puts the background in good focus. Despite the unusual out turn, this photo came out very successful.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Fiddling With the F-stop

This photo was taken with an f-stop of 5.0. Since the f-stop is small the aperture, and is large allowing more light to travel into the lens. Because the opening into the lens is larger there is a shorter depth of field.

This photo was taken with an f-stop of 25.0 and has a rather small aperture. This allows less light in the lens and a longer depth of field.
This photo was taken with an f-stop of 13.0 and has a medium sized aperture. There is not as much light in the lens as in the last photo, and the depth of field is shorter. 

Monday, December 16, 2013

Let it Snow

This photo was taken to capture the winter essence of the scenery. I am very pleased with this photo because it shows leading lines and I captured the snow as it was falling. This photo really has a "wintery" essence. This photo was taken in auto with an ISO of 1600, which is unusually high, an f- stop of 6.3, and a shutter speed of 1/640.